Introducing the Bible: The New Testament (Volume II) by Douglas R. Clark; John C. Brunt
Introducing the Bible: The New Testament (Volume II) by Douglas R. Clark; John C. Brunt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book provides an up-to-date theologically balanced introduction to the Bible and its study, which takes biblical scholarship seriously and takes an affirming stance on faith. Its treatment of the New Testament literature attempts to provide a theologically balanced approach with attention to traditional concerns of introduction, plus a focus on issues of relevance and practical religious value in the study and interpretation of scripture. In doing so, the authors avoid the polemic tone of some of the more conservative introductions, as well as the more speculative and 'value-free' perspectives of more progressive readings. Each chapter relating to a biblical book is divided into the following categories: a brief overview of the book; background concerns; literary considerations; the message; value and relevance for today; issues for discussion and reflection; further reading. Under these rubrics, the volume explores a wide range of questions readers have put to the bible both historically and more recently.From reader reviews:
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