Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Tournament Week : Inside the Ropes and Behind the Scenes on the PGA Tour by John Strege

Tournament Week : Inside the Ropes and Behind the Scenes on the PGA Tour by John Strege

Tournament Week : Inside the Ropes and Behind the Scenes on the PGA Tour

Tournament Week : Inside the Ropes and Behind the Scenes on the PGA Tour by John Strege PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Ever wonder what really goes on at the PGA tour! Find out! Golf Digest writer John Strege takes readers on an insider's tour of Tournament Week. This chronological, anecdotal excursion reveals surprising facts about golfers' ha and secrets, following them every step of the way during this hectic week. Tournament Week begins with the red carpet unrolling for them on Monday, to the gambling practice rounds on Tuesday on to Wednesday's dealing with amateurs, straight through Sunday, the ultimate payday in professional golf, when the press mounts and even the most poised golfer is prone to choke. Unique behind-the-scenes perspective also examines the pra round, where often more is going on than one would suspect including high-stakes gambling games. Strege also reveals how Je Daly, who is under endorsement, will often give away his entire of golf clubs--usually after an indifferent round-to the first cl he sees by the 18th green.

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