Sales Secrets: Proven Strategies for Increasing Sales by Mark Shaughnessy
Sales Secrets: Proven Strategies for Increasing Sales by Mark Shaughnessy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Sales professionals are seeking new ways to increase their sales and their income. Organizations are striving for top line revenue and greater profits. Sales Secrets is the solution.Most companies suffer from one problem: lack of sales. A study by Dun & Bradstreet reported that the biggest difference between successful and unsuccessful companies was one attribute: successful companies sold more than unsuccessful ones.
"Nothing happens until a sale is made" is truer now than it has ever been. Some sales people blame the economy, while others sell regardless of economic conditions.
Sales Secretsenables companies to avoid downsizing, expand their business and improve their profitability. Using the techniques inside, growing revenue, rather than cutting expenses, will become a reality, in spite of the economy.
Author Mark Shaughnessy imparts reference materials designed to provide sales people with all of the tools and resources needed to fully develop and maximize their sales potential. These secrets represent the best techniques and ideas available in the market today.
Sales Secrets is a comprehensive answer to help sales people and companies dramatically increase their revenue. Upon adopting these techniques, companies and their sales professionals will experience an immediate increase in their sales results.
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