You're Next: Lies, Corruption and the Dirty Business of Vaccines by Chris Rasmussen
You're Next: Lies, Corruption and the Dirty Business of Vaccines by Chris Rasmussen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
By the Supreme Court's own admission, vaccines are inherently unsafe. Within these pages Dr. Rasmussen reveals a shocking secret that government and drug companies do not want you to know.
Vaccines are often dangerous, unpredictable, and rife with contaminants. They can cause autism spectrum disorder (ASD), cancer, lowered IQ, autoimmune diseases, cognitive disorders, and neurodegenerative illnesses.
It's an established fact that drug companies have devolved into rapacious engines of greed. Tragically, their blood money has deeply influenced the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC, creating a dangerous conflict of interest for members of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
This unholy alliance has directly led to over-vaccinating our children solely for profit.
As a consequence, we are seeing the replacement of communicable diseases with chronic nervous system and autoimmune disorders through the CDC's vaccination program.
We are being systematically injured, poisoned, and killed for drug company profits, and to enrich the bank accounts of corrupted officials who have sworn to protect us. This explosive book is a warning to everyone that you're next. Read on and take heed.
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