Why We Write: Conversations with African Canadian Poets and Novelists
Why We Write: Conversations with African Canadian Poets and Novelists PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In this volume of interviews with H Nigel Thomas, fifteen leading African Canadian writers discuss the complexities of the writing experience and reveal their thoughts on their creative process. Identifying how their social and geographical origins have influences their work, these poets and fiction writers also respond to the exigencies of craft, the manipulation of publishers, the criticism of readers, and the absense of a clearly identifiable market for their works. This book, therefore, provides valuable insights both on inidividual creativity and on the politics of cultural production in a multicultural society. Includes interviews with:
Ayanna Black, Austin Clarke, George Elliot Clarke, Wayde Compton, Afua Cooper, Bernadette Dyer, Cecil Foster, Claire Harris, Lawrence Hill, Nalo Hopkinson, Suzette Mayr, Pamela Mordecai, M NourbeSe Philip, Althea Prince, and Robert Sandiford.
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