Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design to Implementation (Healthcare Technologies)

Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design to Implementation (Healthcare Technologies)

Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design to Implementation (Healthcare Technologies)

Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design to Implementation (Healthcare Technologies) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nanotechnology has already begun to revolutionize numerous industries including biomaterials and medicine. Nanomaterials are able to penetrate nanoscale pores of tissues, possess prolonged circulation, enter cells, and have increased surface area per volume allowing for greater drug loading. For these reasons, nanomaterials are finding numerous uses in medicine including fighting cancer, promoting tissue regeneration, reversing aging, inhibiting infection, limiting inflammation or scar tissue growth, and much more.

Biomedical Nanomaterials brings together the engineering applications and challenges of using nanostructured surfaces and nanomaterials in healthcare in a single source. Each chapter covers important and new information in the biomedical applications of nanomaterials. Contributions include: biomimetic coating of calcium phosphates on Ti metals; surface modifications of orthopaedic implant materials using an electroplating process; usage of stem cells in bone and cartilage tissue engineering; RNA interference therapy: from bench to bedside; nanobiomaterials and 3D bioprinting for osteochondral regeneration; antimicrobial properties of nanomaterials; electrochemical surface treatments applied to metallic biomaterials; nanomaterials used in implant technology and their toxicity; nanofunctionalized surfaces for bacterial infections; and application of nanoparticle in X-ray radiation therapy of cancer.

Biomedical Nanomaterials is an invaluable resource and essential reading for researchers in industry and academia working at the interfaces of healthcare, engineering and nanotechnology.

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Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design to Implementation (Healthcare Technologies) Doc

Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design to Implementation (Healthcare Technologies) Mobipocket
Biomedical Nanomaterials: From Design to Implementation (Healthcare Technologies) EPub

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