Rabu, 15 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Take Me (I'm Yours)

Take Me (I'm Yours)

Take Me (I'm Yours)

Take Me (I'm Yours) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In 1995, Hans Ulrich Obrist curated a unique exhibition at London’s Serpentine Gallery that not only gave visitors the opportunity to look at the art on display, but to use it and even take it home. Art was offered as an activity and as a transaction. Now the Jewish Museum, New York, is mounting a new edition of Take Me, I’m Yours. Included are works by Christian Boltanski, Félix González-Torres, Andrea Fraser, Philippe Parreno and Martha Rosler, among others. The exhibition invites viewers to consider the nature of the work of art, and actively participate in its movement and dispersal. The catalogue is as participatory and unexpected as the show it accompanies--a packet of postcards, showing work by the artists included in the exhibition.

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